
Whether it’s through group discussion or creating uplifting spaces in my community, leadership is very important to me. Thus, I am proud to showcase the clubs I have actively participated throughout my high school career!


Scooby Doo Club

During my sophomore year of high school, I founded The Phoenix Country Day School Scooby-Doo Enthusiast Club. Sparked by a desire to share my passion for Scooby-Doo with my community, meetings were hosted every lunch - allowing for us to watch two episodes and participate in group discussion afterwards. As the club leader, I selected episodes based on tones and themes and, after viewing the content, the club discussed the material, going in-depth into a range of topics from feminism, racial/queer-coding in media, and progressive/regressive undertones and their causes in media due to time-periods of release. Often, our discussions continued beyond surface level themes and into the set/lighting design, aesthetics, tonal analysis, and preferred color palettes that conveyed each episode’s larger narrative. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, our club began holding online meetings via Netflix Party in March of 2020.


GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) Club

Being a gay male, I have always strived for and to create more accepting environments in today’s educational spaces. Henceforth, this past year, my peer and I co-founded Phoenix Country Day School’s GSA Club (Gay Straight Alliance) with the goal of creating a supportive safespace for LGBTQ+ students on our campus to receive support and find solidarity with other members in the community. We function under the guiding principle of inclusivity and have made our club accessible to students of all identities, even assuming the broad name of “Spectrum” so as to avoid outing individuals by association. Despite limitations brought about by the pandemic, the GSA club is currently ongoing, and has a consistent group of attendees.